Wellness is more than being free from illness: it is a process of change and growth towards a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle. - Caroline Reese Earth Shamans is delighted to welcome reiki master and sound healer Caroline Reese. Caroline is an intuitive energy reader, yoga and wellness coach, and meditation facilitator inspired by the Brahma Kumaris form of meditation, focusing on identity as souls instead of bodies. Caroline completed the Success Principles: Train the Trainer Certification Program with Jack Canfield and worked as a research and teaching assistant while obtaining her master's degree in communication from Marquette University. Her journey continued with certification as a sound healing practitioner through Globe Institute - the Sound and Consciousness Program.
Caroline's personal journey informs her work. She works with people who struggle with negative emotions due to limiting beliefs, trauma, loss of a loved one(s), relationship conflicts, and self-esteem. Being familiar with negative self-talk, overwhelming situations, depression, anxiety, relationship conflicts, and body dysmorphia. In her own words, "I can relate to what emotional stress can do, and can share modalities to encourage healing." Caroline is a heart-centered healing practitioner, has founded Wellness Collective Satori324 in Milwaukee, WI, and is now based in Lanai, HI. Welcome to Earth Shamans, Caroline!
![]() With great joy and respect, Earth Shamans welcomes Apela Colorado, the ground-breaking visionary founder of the Indigenous Mind Program and the Worldwide Indigenous Science Network. Apela's work is earth-affirming through environmental and animal conservation, conservation of traditional wisdom, bridging cultures, and enabling students from all cultures—with the assistance of indigenous healers—to be restored to the holistic mind of their Ancestors, and to ground that wisdom with the help of technology and science in applications for today’s time. Her new book, Woman Between the Worlds: A Call to Your Ancestral and Indigenous Wisdom, is now available. Welcome Apela! ![]() Earth Shamans is deeply honored to welcome Anne Baring, a pioneer in the restoration of the feminine archetype, a mystic, writer and woman of deep wisdom and insight devoted to the affirmation of a new vision of reality and the issues facing us at this crucial time of choice. Anne calls to us: "The time has come when, if we are to survive as a species, we have to change our relationship with the planet; change it from exploitation and dominance to care and service. This pandemic is a supreme opportunity to recognize the harm we have done to it, to create a new kind of civilization based on entirely different values and beliefs. This involves an alchemical transformation of what we are into what we are capable of becoming." Her latest book, The Dream of the Cosmos, is the story of a multi-layered quest to understand the causes of human suffering and to reconnect with a deeper reality than the one we inhabit in this physical dimension of experience. Welcome Anne! ![]() Earth Shamans is delighted to welcome Peggy Rubin. Peggy's work is at the intersection of art and the sacred, where life is a sacred art form. Through her teaching, writing, speaking, and storytelling, Peggy celebrates joy, the sacred feminine, human development and transformation. "Stories become a mirror in which we see the great patterns and deep truths that transcend the mere facts of our individual existence." - Peggy Rubin
![]() Ted Carter is an ornamental horticulturist, principal landscape designer, and co-author of Earth Calling: A Climate Change Handbook for the 21st Century, in which he and co-author Ellen Gunter explore where and how we have gone wrong in our relationship with the Earth and how we go about starting to heal. Ted joined Earth Shamans last autumn and has been collaborating on projects with Calen Rayne. About his work, Ted says, "The art of landscaping has been with me since childhood. Land and landscape have been and continue to be a central part of my life. In more recent years I have discovered the subtle Earth energies that inform and direct me in this co-creative endeavor. It is a joy to work and share this journey with others through my life’s work." He calls us to reconnect to the Earth.More than a landscape designer, Ted has been described as a Nature-Mystic for his devotion to the Earth and his ability to tune in with the land. He brings with him a perspective that goes beyond statistics about how our planet is changing, and speaks directly to our souls. In the book, Earth Calling, Ted and Ellen challenge each of us to find our own earth "calling" by reconnecting with the planet. Reconnecting to the earth is about reconnecting to our senses, and using our senses to reconnect with Source. Reconnection begins with listening deeply to the earth, and waking up to what is all around us. Ted recommends spending time outside and turning your senses over to nature. The last chapters of his book read like a handbook for awakening, providing practical wisdom for getting in touch with your soul through nature. It starts simply: in our own backyards.As we learned from Earth Shaman Jean Fleury, we must start where we are. Ted reminds us that there are subtle energies present in land and landscape that need to be honored and called out, and the best place to start is in our own backyard. "Understanding the energetics of the landscape brings a whole new meaning to your understanding and connection to the natural world right outside your home," says Ted, "When you call out a space, it begins to be a destination in the landscape and take on a special presence it never had before. In a sense, your landscape has a re-birth – a new beginning as you see it through a different lens." All things lead to Source.What do you see from the window closest to you right now? Invariably, we spend a great deal of time looking out the windows of our homes and offices, and what we see there deeply influences us. During a consultation, Ted looks at the landscape from the inside as well as from outside. Once outside, he dowses the property to get a sense of the subtle energies that impact the site. On a return visit, he "listens" to the land more deeply with fellow Earth Shaman, Calen Rayne. Calen works with an internal mapping system he learned in the Himalayas, called “genesis point vibrational radiesthesia.” This technique enables Calen and Ted to identify a particular point at a site where they can connect with energetics of the land and get to its source. Going to the Source is about listening and discernment. Ted explains, "This process is important because it enables one to access information from the land itself, and better discern what a particular property truly needs when creating an integral design." Ted was recently featured in the Winter 2016 edition of Fine Homes of Western North Carolina magazine. Click here to read the full article and see beautiful photos of Ted's integrated landscape designs, and be sure to check out Ted's website.
Sheila Armitage is a corporate learning consultant who partners with horses on her coaching team. She finds that this modality helps generate coherence between intellect and heart, as horses have a great capacity to sense what we do not, reflect back truth, show us if we are kidding ourselves, accelerate learning, and move us out of our mental justifications for staying stuck in a rut. Sheila has worked internationally as an organizational learning expert and coach with Fortune 10 to 500 companies, government, non-profits, educational institutions, small businesses, and individuals from C-level leaders to front-line staff. Sheila’s studies are at the intersection of health, business, and quantum science, and she has a Ph.D. in Wisdom Studies. Sheila´s Dissertation is on work-life integration - the mindset and behaviors it takes to fully bridge life between work and home in alignment with your values and who you really are. Link to Sheila's website.
"Wind Horse" stems from spiritual traditions. They are the prayer flags that carry prayers and wishes to heaven. Sheila's passion is embedding a resilient philosophy and skill set that drives improved performance and satisfaction for leaders, teams, workplaces, families and communities.She enables leaders, teams and organizations to reach their potential, embedding resilience practices and mindsets in all of her work. Sheila has worked, coached and consulted in diverse business sectors with Fortune 10 companies to small businesses, public sector organizations, and non-profits. She has helped:
Noticing increased personal and organizational levels of stress, and talent turnover, Sheila researched and developed a resilience model, assessment and programs to boost individual, team and organizational agility. She continues to research, speak and publish on the business benefits of redesigning workplaces for resiliency and agility. Welcome Sheila!
She calls us into healing.Jean is co-founder of Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee. Her current project is leading global ceremonies to heal the multi-generational and multi-lineal effects of massacre, holocaust, and war upon humanity, other species and our beloved planetary home. On this 125th anniversary of Wounded Knee, she is leading the call to end the transmission of wounding, asking us all to honor the endless lineage of our Ancestors & Relatives who have sacrificed their lives in war, violence and massacre. Jean calls us to pledge to End Massacre, End Genocide, End Racism, and End War. We can participate by holding a healing ceremony on December 29th in our hometowns, by supporting riders with our donations, by participating in the historic ride this December, and more. It is as simple as starting where we are.Let us start where we are. If you have been around us at Earth Shamans for any time at all, then you know that we believe all human beings have the power to shape the world in alignment with Spirit, and that it is humanity's job to aid in the restoration of wholeness by consciously bringing spirit and matter together within us. While the stakes are high and the breadth of Jean's call may seem overwhelming, it doesn't have to be. Remember that the memorial ride started 24 years ago with 19 Chief Big Foot Band Memorial riders, and has grown to the hundreds. It is really as simple as starting where we are. Begin by ending the transmission of wounding in yourself. Look in the mirror and pick one thing you see that you normally dislike. Choose instead to like, maybe even love, this aspect of yourself. Or the next time you hear that critical voice in your head berating you about something you should have or shouldn't have done, stop listening and replace that criticism with gratitude for what you have right this moment. And feeding into that which heals us.This may sound like an optimist's pep talk, but it's not. This is about filling the spaces within us and the places around us with the fullness of our imperfect selves in gratitude, love, compassion, respect, hope and joy, so that there is no longer room for thoughts, feelings, and actions that feed the wounding that suffers us all. It reminds me of the well-known tale of a wise, elderly Cherokee who told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside each of us: "There is a battle between two wolves, my son, inside us all. One inflicts pain. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other offers healing. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, serenity, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith."
The grandson sat quietly awhile and then asked the grandfather, "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee replied simply, "The one that you feed." Welcome Jean. Thank you for leading so many to feed the healing wolf. |
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January 2022
About UsEarth Shamans is a gathering of like-minded beings who have responded to the call of Spirit. |